Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Platform Update from Cabinet Member Reilly

Hi Everybody!

I hope this blog post finds you all healthy and safe. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting around the table with Ella, 2019 Kid Governor, and my fellow Cabinet members. As you know each of us Cabinet members had a platform. My platform, Foster Care and Adoption, is very near and dear to my heart and I knew that I would always want to support it. 

As a sixth grader at DePaolo Middle School in Southington, I asked my principal, Mr. Chris Palmieri, if I could hold a fundraiser at school where everyone could donate to the DCF Foster Care and Adoption program. The homeroom that donated the most money would win a pizza party, provided by Bard & Son Drywall. I also held a donation drive at our favorite bagel shop, Fancy Bagel, where I asked for donations to support the DCF Foster Care and Adoption program. Between those two fundraisers, I was able to provide over 20 $25 gift cards for children in the program. 

Recently, I asked my all star cheerleading team at Empire Cheerleading & Gymnastics if they’d like to help support the cause and they were so excited to help! Anyone who wanted to participate could make a donation. In return, I would send them ctfosteradopt.com/ 1-888-KID- HERO shoe laces. I asked them to take a picture of themselves wearing the laces and their cheer gear and send it me. I compiled all of the pictures and created a short video. I’d love for you to see it! Go to https://youtu.be/eeZZ8Pxrmb8.

Together, my cheerleading team raised $660 for the DCF Foster Care and Adoption Program!!!

I know it’s a difficult time right now, but it’s never a bad time to support what you’re passionate about. I hope maybe I have inspired you to do the same. Stay well and stay safe!

Your Friend,
Reilly Bard
2019 Kid Governor's Cabinet
Plantsville Elementary School, Class of 2019
Southington, CT

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Platform Update from Cabinet Member Reilly

Hi Everybody! I hope this blog post finds you all healthy and safe. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting around the table with Ell...